少女妈妈 第二季
军情五处 第五季
In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb, and her life is changed forever. Plus we meet former MI-5, turned MI-6 officer Ros Myers (Hermione Norris), who discovers a shocking family connection to the season's game-changing conspiracy.
军情五处 第五季
神父特德 第一季
英国Channel4制作爱尔兰背景神职题材经典喜剧,爱尔兰著名喜剧艺人Dermot Morgan主演,Morgan在第3季制作完成后不久即因心脏病英年早逝,此剧也因此过早划上句号。第1,3季均荣获当年BAFTA最佳喜剧剧集奖,同时Morgan并分获当年英国喜剧奖最佳男演 员和BAFTA奖最佳喜剧男演员。 1 "Good Luck, Father Ted" 21 April 1995 2 "Entertaining Father Stone" 28 April 1995 3 "The Passion of St Tibulus" 5 May 1995 4 "Competition Time" 12 May 1995 5 "And God Created Woman" 19 May 1995 6 "Grant Unto Him Eternal Rest" 26 May 1995
神父特德 第一季
《末日校巴》集喜剧、勇气、冒险和神秘元素于一体。影片开头,学生们前往“精灵飞球”(一种用来清理环境的新型机器人)的发射现场。当科技业亿万富翁道尔顿·蒙克豪斯(罗伯特·席安饰)推出人工智能魔法球时,在场所有观众都消失不见了,而世界各地也发生了数千起相同的事件。学生们设法在大劫难中回到破旧的校车中,回家寻找答案,却进入了神秘荒芜的世界。 学生们意识到他们必须要进行反击,并开始了一场公路旅行,踏上了寻找道尔顿·蒙克豪斯的道路,并努力弄清楚家人发生了什么事情。一路上,他们面临着一系列日益严峻的挑战,从高耸的垃圾怪物到带有个人仇恨的受损球体。大家抛下个人差异和私人恩怨,组成了临时的大家庭。 该片由英国公司 Wildseed Studios 负责制作,保罗·尼夫希担任创剧人和编剧。
生死狙击 第一季
USA的《生死狙击 Shooter》由Mark Wahlberg当执行制片﹑John Hlavin编剧,电视台早前正式预订。该剧确定在美国时间7月19日首播。 Ryan Phillippe(《秘密与谎言 Secrets and Lies》)饰演前海军陆战队狙击手Bob Lee Swagger,他被召参与秘密任务,但途中却被误会是刺杀总统的凶手。 Cynthia Addai-Robinson饰演女主演FBI探员Nadine Memphis,是个充满野心﹑有强大直觉的年轻FBI探员,在局中是个新星,不过她的性格也在过去惹上麻烦。原本调查主角的案件是她升职的高速通道,但 她发现背后实际有被隐藏的阴谋,而因为和主角试图拆破该阴谋,她因而被追杀并逼不得已下与主角组成同盟。该角色原本由Emily Rios饰演。 Omar Epps饰演Isaac Johnson,是前海军陆战队,亦是Bob Lee Swagger的前指挥官。现在是个美国特勤局特工,他征召主角参与秘密任务,却引致主角被追杀。Eddie McClintock饰演Jack Payne。 David Marciano将饰演高级联邦调查局特工John Renlow,Nadine Memphis(Rios饰)的搭档,经过了一生仕途,他特别希望退休。早前演出《闪电侠 The Flash》的Shantel VanSanten饰演主角的妻子Julie Swagger,是个坚强的女子,在丈夫出征时,为女儿提供稳定生活。当辛苦工作的她等到主角回家后,却发现美好的梦想被立即打破。 Tom Sizemore饰演循环角色高级CIA特工Hugh Meachum,愿意为自己国家保持国际地位而干任何事。 该剧在2007年Wahlberg主演的派拉蒙同名电影的基础上,由《黑夜传说4:觉醒》的编剧 John Hlavin改编。原著Stephen Hunter的小说《Point Of Impact》是关于Bob Lee Swagger (Phillippe饰演), 一名海军退役狙击手,被骗去参加所谓阻止刺杀总统的行动。
生死狙击 第一季
行将就木 第一季
神探阿蒙 第三季
Monk and his friends arrive in New York to locate the man whom they were told has information about Trudy's murder. When they arrive at the hotel, the Latvian ambassador who is also staying there is killed. Monk saw the killer but only his ear. So he tries to help the NYPD solve the case hoping they will help them find the man. When Monk goes downtown, he gets lost and gets swept up in all the chaos. In the meantime, Stottelmeyer learns the NYPD knows where the man is and is not letting them see him. Written by www.2kyb.com
神探阿蒙 第三季
“The Afterparty” is a murder-mystery comedy set at a high school reunion afterparty. Each of the eight episodes will feature a retelling of the same night told through a different character’s perspective, each with its own unique visual format and film genre to match the teller’s personality.
本片由十九世纪英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的同名小说《简·爱》改编,这一版是2006年英国BBC出品的迷你剧。 女主角简·爱(露丝·威尔森 Ruth Wilson 饰)是一个孤儿。自幼在劳渥德学校学习,最终成为了一名女家庭教师,来到桑菲尔德庄园,负责一位名叫阿黛尔的女 孩的教学工作。在此期间,她经历了许多奇异的遭遇,并与庄园的主人,阿黛尔的监护人——爱德华·罗彻斯特(托比·斯蒂芬斯 Toby Stephens 饰)坠入了爱河。但正当简以为她得到了她所向往的快乐生活时,一个不可告人的秘密浮出水面:罗切斯特15年前已结婚,他的妻子是被关在三楼密室里的疯女人。法律阻碍了他们的爱情,在一个凄风苦雨之夜,简离开了庄园。当她再次回到桑菲尔德,宅子已成废墟,疯女人放火后坠楼身亡,罗切斯特也受伤致残。而简需要用尽所有的勇气、爱心以及理解,才能最终到达幸福的彼岸……
《伦敦生活》制片公司Two Brothers联手ITV和Spectrum,打造6集希区柯克式心理惊悚剧集《黯淡安吉拉 Angela Black》。 Two Brothers的创始人Harry Williams和Jack Williams负责剧本,《无人生还》导演Craig Viveiros执导。 女主Angela Black(Joanne Froggatt),一个看似生活美满的伦敦郊区家庭主妇,丈夫Olivier(Michiel Huisman)魅力十足、辛勤工作。但在这一切假象之下,Angela是一名家庭暴力受害者,困在自己难以逃离的关系之中。一名私家侦探Ed(Samuel Adewunmi)突然找上Angela,向她吐露了Olivier最黑暗的秘密。面对关于自己丈夫可怕的真相,Angela震惊不已。她真的能够信任Ed吗?她能坚定信念离开现在的生活,最终摆脱家暴的丈夫吗?
女囚犯 第七季
女囚犯 第五季
军情五处 第一季
This British espionage thriller centers on a team of MI-5 counter-terrorist spies collectively known as 'Spooks' because of the shadowy nature of their existence. Technically speaking, Spooks don't even exist--they have no names, identities, or known locations. Yet these secret agents are all that stand between the nation and the terrorists who try to undermine national security. Matthew Macfayden heads the cast as Tom Quinn, a man struggling to deal with his double life.
军情五处 第一季
该剧改编自Elizabeth Gaskell的同名遗作。 《锦绣佳人》在英国传媒奖中拿下最佳戏剧及最佳女演员两项大奖。 Molly(贾斯蒂恩·瓦戴尔 Justine Waddell 饰)和父亲(比尔·帕特森 Bill Paterson 饰)相依为命多年,Molly渐渐长成如花的少女,父亲担心她谈恋爱,于是送她去拜访老友。Molly不在家的期间,父亲却突然闪电结婚,家中多了一个继母(弗兰西丝卡·安妮丝 Francesca Annis 饰)和姐姐Cynthia(凯莉·霍威 Keeley Hawes 饰)让Molly很难适应,尤其是继母对她诸多限制,好在Cynthia美丽又率真,Molly立刻和她结成好友,Cynthia所到之处都有很多男士败倒在她的石榴裙下,没想到Molly暗恋的意中人也对Cynthia一网情深。心碎的Molly努力掩饰她的失落,却发现继母和 Cynthia似乎隐藏着一段不为人知的过去......
Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet tells stories of people caught in the dark and twisted web of modern misinformation and digital deception. Haunting, bizarre and up-to-the-moment relevant, the series explores consequences of "SWATing", takes a chilling trip down the rabbit hole of white supremacy, joins a Federal hunt for the suspect of a brazen IRS heist and dives into Russian election interference. Rich with distinctive characters and surprising plotlines, reality is distorted when the ordinary American household collides with a chaotic web of misinformation.
救世 第二季
生死狙击 第三季
神探阿蒙 第五季
A TV producer has gotten the idea of developing a movie based off of the events of Monk's capture of Steve Wagner in "Mr. Monk and the Astronaut." www.2kyb.com They have hired renowned actor David Ruskin to play Monk. However, to get into the role of Monk, Ruskin shadows his character for a couple of days as Monk investigates the linked homicides of a young woman killed in her apartment and a pawnshop owner shot dead during a robbery. However, things get bad when Ruskin gets a little too into the role of Monk.
神探阿蒙 第五季
巨蟒剧团之飞翔的马戏团 第二季
1969年10月5日,当这五个英国佬和一个美国佬第一次胡言乱语恬不知耻地出现在BBC电视台上时,整个英伦三岛都傻了眼。从这天开始,在之后短短的四年间,“巨蟒剧团”及其六位成员的名字通过《飞翔的马戏团》这套空前成功的电视喜剧节目,很快成为了英国现代文化的一个标志。也正是从《飞向的马戏团》开始,“巨蟒”逐渐为世界所熟知,并以自己独特的幽默方式开创了一种至今仍被全世界(尤其是好莱坞)广泛效仿和套用的喜剧类型。 《飞翔的马戏团》从形式上看类似于今天的电视小品,但它绝不受任何一种规范或模式的约束,我们从头至尾也看不到一个惯用的伎俩或模式化的重复。6个高智商活宝的创作灵感永远天马行空随兴所至,每一集的内容或破碎或连贯,可能是几个独立的故事,可能是几条相互交叉的线索,也可能是一堆毫无瓜葛的碎片。只要是他们灵机一动想到的东西,全都大胆地用摄影机拍摄了下来。除了极个别偶尔客串的朋友(在迫不得已的情况下他们必须需要的“性感美女”角色,都是由“真正的”女演员卡萝尔-克力夫兰扮演的),整套剧中几乎所有有台词的角色都是活宝们亲自上阵,你所能像想到的各式奇装异服的打扮几乎全被他们尝试过了。 《飞翔的马戏团》嘲弄取笑,有时甚至是恶意羞辱的对象包括历史人物、哲学理论、政治立场、宗教教义、社会现象、公众意识等等。从维多利亚女王到普通的英国家庭妇女,从电视媒体制造的泡沫到日常生活中实实在在的细枝末节都是他们信手拈来的素材。而“巨蟒”对暴力或性等争议话题的处理也非常巧妙,既不会显得遮遮掩掩,也让审查机构无可奈何,这其中当然少不了泰里-基廉巧思妙想穿插剧中的卡通制作的功劳。 事实上,初看《飞翔的马戏团》或任何一部“巨蟒制造”的观众很可能会感到难以适应。乡土气极重的杜撰英国口音和有时显得十分白痴的行为和聒噪的对白会让人不知所云,而且节目中很大一部分内容也的确是纯属白痴的胡闹和小丑式的插科打诨。而这节目妙就妙在,这些貌似毫无价值的胡话连篇中经常会迸发出让人惊叹的绝妙创意,从极粗俗的角度彻底揭露人类文明中所有道貌岸然的嘴脸。大概所谓“大智若愚”的最高境界就在于此了。
巨蟒剧团之飞翔的马戏团 第二季
Discover a side of Abraham Lincoln you’ve never seen before. Inspired by David S. Reynolds’s book “Abe: Abraham, Lincoln in his Times,” Lincoln’s Dilemma comes to Apple TV+ February 18. In this four-part docuseries, a diverse panel of historians and rare archival materials offer a more nuanced look into Abraham Lincoln's presidency.
女囚犯 第二季
军情五处 第二季
The stakes are raised in season two of "MI-5", as the threat to national security increases and the need to thwart the terrorists operating within the UK becomes more urgent. Tom is investigating a Serbian terrorist plot. His girlfriend and her daughter are trapped in Tom's house with a lap-top which is thought to contain a bomb. Meanwhile another bomb is primed to explode and this one kills the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Adding to the possible dangers faced by other government officials, Tom learns from his American colleague that an assassin is in town, the CIA know about him but they haven't told MI-5.
军情五处 第二季
神奇兵营42 第一季
诺妞的奢华喜剧 第一季
It's safe to say Luxury Comedy is quite unlike anything else on television - it's a merry fusion of live action and animation, all topped over with music by Kasabian's Sergio Pizzorno. Here's the deal... Noel lives in a jungle tree house with his anteater butler (Mike Fielding), Andy Warhol his cleaner (Tom Meeten), and German trendy Dolly (Dolly Wells). Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy is heavily influenced by the worlds of art and music. It's smart, ambitious, like Salvador Dali and Mick Jagger recreating The Jungle Book.
诺妞的奢华喜剧 第一季
女囚犯 第六季
新生六居客 第二季
血域 第二季
Following on from The Field of Blood, this new story is based on the second in the Paddy Meehan series, the Dead Hour. We follow Paddy as she tries to make a career for herself against the backdrop of the miner's strike and the changing face of journalism. Paddy now has her dream job, working the night shift on the call car with fellow reporter McVie. All this changes with the arrival of a new editor in chief. Meanwhile, an innocuous call to a disturbance in a posh area of Glasgow leads Paddy to uncover a cold-blooded murder.
血域 第二季
少女妈妈 第一季
神探阿蒙 第八季
接管疯人院 第一季
A salesman starts to run a hospital radio station inside a facility for people with mental heath needs.
接管疯人院 第一季