金荷娜在剧中饰演时尚推销员雨贤,虽然以亲民的形象保持着不错的业绩,但却对一切都停滞的状况很烦恼。 该剧将以“雨贤”为中心描写网络购物的现况。 《婚词离曲》柳正俊导演执导,《善岩女高侦探团》申光浩编剧执笔。
《幸福的国家》(韩语:행복의 나라,英语:The Land of Happiness)是一部即将上映的韩国剧情片,由《光海,成为王的男人》导演秋昌民执导,曹政奭、李善均、刘宰明主演。该片讲述一位律师为拯救卷入动摇现代史事件中的一个人物而全力以赴的故事,计划2023年在韩国上映。
Minjae is a highschool teacher during the day, but at dusk, he goes out on the streets and join with youth who are alienated from school and home. Due to an incident, Minjae is put to the test again to protect his students ─ Jigeun and classmates.