长命百岁是否必然幸福? 孝与不孝如何界定? 离与留又该如何取舍?纪录片《伴生》娓娓道来两代人对生与死的价值观的差异和矛盾。有人因不忍父亲饱受病魔折磨及丧妻之苦,而祈求父亲能早归天家;有人因长期照顾患病父母而心生压力,渴望开展自己的生活;有人因母亲健康急转直下反而重建分隔多年的关系。 一生建构的种种链接,伴随死亡,是否能瞬间化为烟霞? "Does longevity bring happiness? Would it be unfilial if you wish the death for your father? Departure or continuous to suffer, a hard choice to make? Snuggle shows the value difference of 'life and death' between two generations. Someone wishes the death for his father because he cannot stand watching his father suffering from illness and loneliness; someone feels so stressed that she has to sacrifice her life to take care of her parents; someone happens to restore the relationship with his mother because she is unwell seriously. When it comes to death, would all those relationships we have in this life last for one more second?" 第23届香港电影评论学会大奖
每天清晨,佘偉豪和黃俊修都會走到大角咀的鮮魚行學校上課。 兩人的基層家庭生活寫照,以及這種「互相照顧」的經歷,在這裡比比皆是。內地出生的董汝峰、譚志澤,甚至班上最受男生歡迎的黃嘉琪都有著同樣故事:家人為孩子們前途著想,毅然來到香港,屈膝於狹窄的房間裡生活;但對孩子們而言,一下子面對成長環境的改變,重新追溯另一個地方的認同和價值,是一種值得的「投資」嗎?一次上電視的經歷,卻改變了佘偉豪的故事。 到底「家庭」對這群小孩子來說,是怎麼一回事?究竟社會的「成就」指標,與家長望子成龍的渴望,在他們而言,又是什麼?假如探聽孩子們對家長,對成年人,甚至對社會存有什麼「期望」,答案在成年人眼中是否不值一提? 即使生活在不安定的環境中,孩子依然會努力嘗試展現其生命力,這是成年人不欲或無暇去理解的,亦是「子非魚,焉知魚之樂」的本義。 J and Jacky have been best friends and inseparable since they met in the first grade. Born in Hong Kong, J was raised single-handedly by his mother, who was a mainland Chinese. Together they shared a subdivided unit of no more than three meter wide. Every time when J's mother had to go back to the mainland for "permit renewal", she left him with Jacky's family. However, J's life changed after he went on television one day... 获奖情况: 2014年 獲得第四屆法國"中國銀幕"紀錄片電影節謝閣蘭獎 2013年 獲得第八屆FIRST青年電影節最佳紀錄片
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