An ex soldier comes to visit a military friend and finds trouble right away. It all starts with a rape of a girl by the local thugs in the town. He must use his fighting skills to defeat the thugs.
Marco Mejia, a gender non-conforming high school graduate who la
More Pictures After a nuclear disaster caused by several terrori
来自《诉讼双雄》(Suits)的Patrick J. Adams将主演国家地理频道的新剧《太空先锋》(The Right Stu
When Kyle Matthews, an elite Sniper from the World Defense Force
Comedy set in the social services department of a local authorit
Sean (O'Dowd) is the imaginary friend of 10-year-old Martin Moon
FOX热播剧《沉睡谷》(Sleepy Hollow)第一季的结尾,几位主人公纷纷遇险,留给观众无限悬念。妮可儿·贝海尔(Nico
Sara, an apathetic teenager, will get art history tutoring from
Detective Charlie Hudson teams up with what he calls his "highly
特技演员邦尼 (Bunny) 招募了陷入困境的女演员霍尼 (Honey) 来做兼职多年后,他们危险的过去再次浮出水面,迫使这对疏
The team is back and ready to tackle more of Amsterdam’s crimina
《布里杰顿家族》由 Shondaland 和创剧人克里斯·凡·达森联合打造,讲述了在摄政时期的伦敦,强大的布里杰顿家族的大女儿达
CBS台到目前为止续订了十八部剧集,其中包括《夏威夷特警 Hawaii Five-O》
#快讯 bates motel获得第二季续订#贝茨旅馆获得a&e电视台10集的第二季续订,本剧开播即成为电视台有史以来收视率最高
德国搞笑微电《屌丝女士 KnallerFrauen》是德国SAT.1电视台每个星期五晚上11点15分播放的一部喜剧小品。由曾六次