梦想之家大改造 第一季
我买了一个农场 第一季
地狱厨房(美版) 第六季
Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第六季
潜行追踪(美版) 第一季
伊莱扎和真心话 第一季
天桥骄子 第十三季
尚未开拍就备受关注的大型自然探索类纪实真人秀《跟着贝尔去冒险》已确定于第四季度在东方卫视周五黄金档播出。享誉世界的野外求生第一人贝尔·格里尔斯将携手“最强大脑”蒋昌建以及八位各界明星展开中国首秀,在由其本人录制的视频中,他对来到中国显得激动不已,他说:“我向中国观众保证,这是有史以来最具野心和激情、令人叹为观止的节目”。 贵州都市报记者从荔波县委宣传部获悉,备受关注的大型自然探索类纪实真人秀《跟着贝尔去冒险》摄制组将于8月23日进驻荔波大、小七孔景区和茂兰景区进行拍摄,经过前期拍摄准备后,9月6日正式开拍。享誉世界的野外求生第一人贝尔·格里尔斯将携手“最强大脑”蒋昌建等8位各界明星齐聚荔波,开始一场探险之旅。 贝尔·格里尔斯曾服役于英国特种部队,热衷于把自己扔进游客容易误入的无人区,只佩戴水瓶、火石和刀子以身犯险,向人们真实演示如何在荒野中生存。于是天上飞的、水里游的、地上跑的、只要能吃的东西都能成为他赖以生存的能量源泉,贝尔因此被誉为站在“食物链顶端的男人”。 而真实记录他求生点滴的纪录片《荒野求生》也成为史上最受关注系列纪录片之一。观众们追随着贝尔探索的脚步,从最初对贝尔如何在极端环境下生存的好奇逐渐变成对人向自然的探索、发现和征服的哲思。因此,贝尔·格里尔斯也成为最受观众喜爱的美国探索频道主持人。 荔波县位于贵州南部,地处云贵高原向广西丘陵过渡地带,为典型的喀斯特地貌区,森林覆盖率65.3%,境内拥有48595公顷集中连片的原生性喀斯特森林,是目前地球上残存的分布集中、原生性强、相对稳定的喀斯特森林生态系统。因此,正好符合节目的拍摄要求。
地狱厨房(美版) 第五季
Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第五季
粉雄救兵 第二季
名人荒野求生 第三季
厨艺大师(美版) 第七季
粉雄救兵 第五季
舞魅天下 第十二季
地狱厨房(美版) 第十四季
Season 14 of the American competitive reality television series Hell's Kitchen premiered on March 3, 2015 on Fox. The prize is a head chef position. Gordon Ramsay returned as head chef with Andi Van Willigan and James Avery returning as sous chefs for both their respective kitchens as well as Marino Monferrato as the maître d'.
地狱厨房(美版) 第十四季
与弩哥同骑 第二季
地狱厨房(美版) 第九季
Get ready for the heat of HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第九季
机器人大战 第五季
水岸餐厅急救队 第一季
偶像的惊喜 第一季
Twelve teams of dogs and their humans compete in an epic adventure across multiple continents
厨艺大师(美版) 第一季
与弩哥同骑 第三季
厨艺大师(美版) 第六季
圆环 第二季
大厨秀 第二季
GOOP 生活方式有情有性 第一季
成功镇凶案 第二季
戈登·拉姆齐美食秘境 第二季
Globetrotting celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay serves up an epic adventure in "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted." He travels around the world meeting with indigenous people to learn about their foods and cultures. In each location, he harvests new ingredients and samples new dishes. He also teams up with local legends to cook feasts to present to the native peoples.
戈登·拉姆齐美食秘境 第二季
做个非洲富豪吧 第二季
Young, Famous & African season 2 is here, and fans of the show are in for a treat again this time. It was released on Friday, May 19, 2023, exclusively on Netflix. This season promises to be even more exciting than the first, with a new cast of glitzy and affluent media personalities from across the continent.
做个非洲富豪吧 第二季
渣男岛 第一季
厨艺大师(美版) 第五季
坦帕湾家园 第一季
镜花水月 第二季
厨艺大师(美版) 第二季
特效化妆师大对决 第七季
Syfy真人秀节目《Face off》。参赛者将比拼特效化妆技术。评委是世界顶尖的影视特效设计师和化妆师:Glenn Hetrick 特效化妆师(作品:《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》《X档案》《致命魔术》《基督再临》《英雄》《犯罪现场调查纽约》)、Ve Neil 传奇化妆师,八次奥斯卡提名三次获奖(作品:《剪刀手爱德华》《阴间大法师》《蝙蝠侠归来》《窈窕奶爸》《加勒比海盗》)、Patrick Tatopoulus 人物造型设计师&导演(作品:《独立日》《哥斯拉》《星际之门》《机械公敌》《黑夜传说前传:狼族再起》)。最终的优胜者将获得10万美元奖金,一整年用量的Alcone品牌提供的免费化妆品。
特效化妆师大对决 第七季
地狱厨房(美版) 第十五季
In the Season 15 premiere of HELL'S KITCHEN, Chef Gordon Ramsay welcomes the newest bunch of contestants into the kitchen. The steaks are high when the contestants travel to Las Vegas and see the kitchen where this season's winner will work as a Head Chef: BLT Steak at Bally's Las Vegas. And, for the first time in HELL'S KITCHEN history, they will compete in that kitchen for the signature dish team challenge. The winning team will earn a ride on the High Roller - the world's tallest Ferris wheel - and get VIP service at Drai's Nightclub, while the losing team prepares a Vegas buffet service, which includes peeling 50 lbs. of shrimp and 1,000 lbs. of potatoes. Later, during their first dinner service, one of the teams will fail early on in the service, prompting Chef Ramsay to kick them out of the kitchen. Find out which contestants will be safe from elimination and whose luck will run out.
地狱厨房(美版) 第十五季
名人荒野求生 第一季
NBC宣布预订生存专家Bear Grylls开发的另一部野外求生竞技真人秀(6集)——去年NBC曾播出Bear Grylls开发的《Get Out Alive》,同样为野外求生节目。新节目命名为《Running Wild With Bear Grylls》,Bear Grylls将带领一群名人到偏僻的地方完成为期48小时的探险任务。名人们将在卡茨基尔山进行空中杂技跳伞,在犹他州用吊绳垂降悬崖,并且在苏格兰高地对抗狂风和暴雨。该节目在7月28日播出,确定参与的名人包括演员Zac Efron、Ben Stiller、Channing Tatum、Tom Arnold以及一名橄榄球运动员和一名新闻节目主持人。该节目和去年Dwayne Johnson的《凡人英雄》(Hero)非常相似。
名人荒野求生 第一季