The Lost Portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie: A Culture Show S
In 2009, art detective Dr Bendor Grosvenor caused a national scandal by proving that the Scottish National Portrait Gallery's iconic portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie, the rebel Stuart who almost seized power in 1745, was not in fact him. Keen to make amends, and suspecting that a long-lost portrait of the prince by one of Scotland's greatest artists, Allan Ramsay, might still survive, Bendor decides to retrace Charles' journey in the hope of unravelling one of the greatest mysteries in British art.
The Lost Portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie: A Culture Show S
由中央纪委国家监委宣传部与中央广播电视总台联合摄制的四集电视专题片《反腐 为了人民》,将于1月5日至8日在中央广播电视总台央视综合频道晚8点档播出。 江山就是人民、人民就是江山,人民立场是中国共产党的根本政治立场。新时代新征程,面对我们党长期面临的“四大考验”、“四种危险”,全面从严治党永远在路上,党的自我革命永远在路上。必须把正风肃纪反腐结合起来一起抓,始终坚持严的基调、严的措施、严的氛围,一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐,以党的自我革命引领社会革命,确保党和人民赋予的权力始终用来为人民谋幸福。 专题片展现了纪检监察机关深入贯彻落实党中央决策部署和习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,在全国开展群众身边不正之风和腐败问题集中整治,集中解决一批群众反映强烈的突出问题,深入推进风腐同查同治,持续深化纠治“四风”,紧盯新型腐败和隐性腐败,不断丰富防治的有效办法,深化以案促改、以案促治,着力铲除腐败滋生的土壤和条件的明显成效,生动讲述了纪检监察机关坚持反腐为民、反腐惠民,不断增强人民群众的获得感、幸福感、安全感,让人民群众切身感受到党中央和习近平总书记的关心关爱就在身边,公平正义就在身边。 专题片选取了12个案例,共四集,分别为《惩治蝇贪蚁腐》、《风腐同查同治》、《揭开腐败隐身衣》、《以案促改促治》。
英国古代史 第一季
Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain and its people came to be over thousands of years of ancient history - the beginnings of our world forged in ice, stone, and bronze A History Of Ancient Britain will turn the spotlight onto the very beginning of Britain’s story. From the last retreat of the glaciers 12,000 years ago, until the departure of the Roman Empire in the Fifth Century AD this epic series will reveal how and why these islands and nations of ours developed as they did and why we have become the people we are today. The first series transmits in early 2011 and there will be a following series in 2012. 第二季将于明年制作播出……
英国古代史 第一季
在第一次世界大战爆发之际,三位皇亲各自统治着欧洲的强大势力:沙俄帝国的沙皇尼古拉斯二世,德国的德皇威廉二世,以及英王乔治五世。这部两集纪录片系列检索了这三位君主在一战爆发中所起到的角色以及战争开始之际他们之间的关系;提论这些元素的影响要比以往的历史学家们所认识的要大的多。 At the outbreak of the First World War three cousins reigned over Europe's greatest powers - Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and King George V of England. This two-part series looks at the role played by the three monarchs, and their relationships with each other, in the outbreak of war, arguing that it is far greater than historians have traditionally believed.
Former British Army Captain Ed Stafford was the first person ever to walk the length of the Amazon River, but surviving completely alone on a desert island is his biggest adventure yet. Can he last 60 days on an uninhabited Fijian island with absolutely nothing? No survival tools, no rations, no clothes, no film crew... It's a daunting challenge and nobody's ever done it before. In fierce tropical heat, he has only hours to find water before dehydration ends his attempt before it's begun. He must master the island - and his fears - to find food and water, light fire, build a proper shelter, and progress from mere survival to the point where he could stay forever. Filmed entirely by Ed himself, there's never been a more authentic survival series on TV
纽约医生日记 第一季
【我在市場待了一整天】,不只是美食,更是一個充滿美妙人事地物的節目!從爆炸頭老師探訪過的市場、以及他的五感體驗紀錄,豐富有趣地爆炸展開。跟隨老師「沈浸感」的腳步,前進這一個個庶民小宇宙。 邀請大家從各種不同角度,隨著主持人,一同潛入八個台灣老市場,感受在地文化、庶民人情的溫度,探訪體驗市場裡無與倫比的趣味! 主持人 李明璁 英國劍橋大學國王學院社會人類學博士,曾於臺大社會學系任教,現執教於國立臺北藝術大學。曾參與創辦《cue》電影雜誌、現為《屏東本事》總編輯。擔任過華文朗讀節、雜學校、臺北文學季等大型活動策展人。協助過總統文化獎、四屆金鐘獎評審,以及三屆金鼎獎、兩屆台北國際書展大賞評審。 曾製作、編劇、演出舞台劇《敗者的搖滾瞬間》。著有《物裡學》、《邊讀邊走》等書,並統籌企劃麥田『時代感』書系、大塊『SOUND』書系。主編過四本音樂文化專書,其中《時代迴音》獲第40屆金鼎獎優良出版推薦。
少年厨艺大师 第一季
我们的侣行 第一季
“我们开着中国制造的飞机,想要完成环球飞行。我们还要飞遍全世界最难抵达的地方,去看看那里的人是怎么活着。可是,飞得越远,我越恐惧飞行。每一个极端之地所遇到的人,也让我更加看懂了自己,也更明白了世界还是很大。” ——张昕宇 2017年,环球探险家张昕宇、梁红,驾驶一架国产运-12飞机,挑战中国造飞机首次环球飞行。腾讯视频、腾讯新闻、深圳卫视将联合呈现大型无脚本纪实真人秀《我们的侣行》。 两人将自驾飞机环游世界:飞越五大洲,横跨太平洋、大西洋及印度洋,并穿过亚洲、北美洲、南美洲、非洲等40余个国家,两次跨越赤道,两次跨越南北半球西风带,行程8万公里。 飞机还安装了10余个4K高清摄影机,可实现机舱内外24小时不间断录影,航拍大海、沙漠、冰川、草原、雨林、河流——这也将是中国人首次航拍全球、俯瞰世界的影像节目。 《我们的侣行》不只是节目,而是一种生活方式,人生不该独行,也能和身边的人一起探索世界;中国人不仅创造财富,也能让这世界变得更好一些。”
我们的侣行 第一季
吉米的食品工厂 第一季
本部纪录片是英国BBC在2009年推出的一档纪录片的第一季,共两季。在第一季中,观众在吉米·多尔蒂的带领下,一起走进他的仓库食品工厂。天马行空的吉米,用他自己独到的、极富创造力的方法,制作出超市般的食物。 这是一系列有趣的、全新的科学命题,我们的农夫吉米发问道:超市食物里到底有什么?问了寻找到答案,吉米采取了一个新颖而令人惊讶的方法——在一个谷仓中建立了自己的食品工厂。在这个谷仓中,他用自己的方法制作出了超市食品。我们可以清晰地看见,我们所食用的食物是怎样制作出来的。吉米向我们讲述的与其说是一件“科学调研”,不如说是他对待食物天才般的“疯狂探秘”。
吉米的食品工厂 第一季
文艺复兴因素 第一季
Arts, History Documentary hosted by Ana Marie Valentir, published by WDR in 2017 - English narration
文艺复兴因素 第一季
A behind-the-scenes look at royal weddings revealing how these grand events are organised. Featuring interviews with the performers, florists, dressmakers, tailors, security guards, vicars and jewellers www.molikan.com who helped make the day so special.
BBC 澳大利亚
Simon's adventure starts in the magnificent 'red centre' of the continent and onwards through South Australia, via the extraordinary Indian Pacific Railway until he reaches the west coast city of Perth. On the way, he joins an Aussie rancher in the parched outback and takes part in a spectacular camel round-up. This mad aventure, involving specially adapted off-road vehicles and a chopper, is part of an ongoing effort to stop the damaging spread of up to a million feral camels across the country. Simon also passes through Australia's wine country and to the lucrative tuna fishing city of Port Lincoln, and he investigates the impact these trades are having on the environment. In Western Australia, he joins a 21st century gold rush - part of the resource boom that has made Australia one of the richest countries in the world. Finally in Perth, Simon discovers a full scale British invasion. Working in a mine or driving a lorry can bring a salary of a hundred thousand pounds a year, as e
BBC 澳大利亚
Rihanna 2008年首度个唱,收录出道以来所有金曲,还翻唱了碧昂斯等天后巨星的金曲,更加赠3首新区及幕后花絮,绝对不容错过。 演唱会曲目: 01. Pon de Replay 02. Break it Off 03. Let Me 04. Rehab 05. Breakin' Dishes 06. Is This Love 07. Kisses Don't Lie 08. Scratch 09. SOS 10. Good Girl Gone Bad 11. Hate That I Love You 12. Unfaithful 13. Sell Me Candy 14. Don't Stop The Music 15. Push Up On Me 16. Shut Up And Drive 17. Question Existing 18. Umbrella
Out of the chaos, darkness and violence of the Middle Ages, one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation they ruled the country for more than three hundred years, ruthlessly crushing all competition to become the greatest English dynasty of all time. They were The Plantagenets. Presented by award-winning journalist and acclaimed historian Dan Jones, the Plantagenets combines creative and insightful research with searing dramatic reconstructions to bring to life this shocking and visceral time in England’s history. From Henry II, betrayed by his own wife and children when they try to seize the throne to the powerful friendship between Henry III and Simon de Montfort which falls into hatred and bloody civil war; from Edward II’s adulterous French wife and his ‘legendary’ death from a red hot poker to the boy king and tyrant Richard II one of the most vicious and inventive despots in English history; Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty: The Plantagenets uncovers a dark
家在阿拉斯加 第一季
Centers on the Kilcher family and their community outside Homer, Alaska. Led by patriarch Atz Kilcher, singer Jewel's father, the family have lived on their land for three generations. The show also focuses on the homesteaders who live by the Kilchers, including, Brother Roadkill, who eats animals lying dead on the side of the road.
家在阿拉斯加 第一季
隐秘村庄之旅 第二季
Dame Penelope Keith visits England's picturesque villages to see how they're holding up in the 21st century. For the most part, she finds them quirky, resilient, and, well, picturesque.
隐秘村庄之旅 第二季
一年一度的维也纳新年音乐会将于2025年1月1日在著名的金色大厅隆重举行。今年的音乐会特别邀请到享誉全球的意大利指挥大师里卡尔多·穆蒂担任指挥,与维也纳爱乐乐团携手为全世界的乐迷开启崭新的一年。这场音乐会不仅延续了经典的施特劳斯家族旋律,还特别致敬小约翰·施特劳斯诞辰200周年,用十首作品勾勒出“圆舞曲之王”辉煌的一生。 里卡尔多·穆蒂与维也纳爱乐的合作堪称传奇,自1971年首次携手至今,已共同呈现超过500场演出,其中包括六场新年音乐会。2025年,83岁的穆蒂将迎来他第七次执棒这一盛会,再续经典。四年前的无观众新年音乐会至今令人难忘,今年穆蒂将再次站在金色大厅的指挥台上,用他标志性的潇洒与活力,为全球乐迷带来无与伦比的艺术享受。 今年的音乐会曲目尤为特别,不仅涵盖了小约翰·施特劳斯的经典之作《蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲》《加速圆舞曲》《美酒、女人与歌圆舞曲》等,还首次引入女作曲家的作品——康斯坦兹·盖格的《费迪南德圆舞曲》。这一安排不仅彰显音乐会的多样性与创新性,也为女性创作者带来更大的舞台。 音乐会的视觉表现同样令人期待。维也纳国家芭蕾舞团将在《加速圆舞曲》和《非此即彼快速波尔卡》的旋律中翩翩起舞,演出场景选址维也纳技术博物馆与塞默林南轨的酒店,将施特劳斯家族的浪漫音乐与铁路工业的历史巧妙结合。适逢世界首条公共铁路——英国斯托克顿-达灵顿铁路开通200周年,这场音乐与舞蹈的结合将为观众带来一种恢弘的沉浸式体验。 今年的音乐会将通过影院银幕将这一顶级视听盛宴呈现给全球观众。无论是细腻的演奏细节,还是环绕式的音效体验,都能让观众仿若置身于金色大厅之中。 --- 2025年维也纳新年音乐会曲目单 **上半场** 1. 老约翰·施特劳斯:《自由进行曲》 2. 约瑟夫·施特劳斯:《奥地利村燕圆舞曲》 3. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《破坏者法兰西波尔卡》 4. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《大湖圆舞曲》 5. 爱德华·施特劳斯:《轻快芬芳快速波尔卡》 **下半场** 1. 小约翰·施特劳斯:轻歌剧《吉普赛男爵》序曲 2. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《加速圆舞曲》 3. 小约瑟夫·赫尔梅斯伯格:《欢乐兄弟进行曲》(选自轻歌剧《紫罗兰姑娘》) 4. 康斯坦兹·盖格尔:《费迪南德圆舞曲》(改编:W.多纳尔) 5. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《非此即彼快速波尔卡》 6. 约瑟夫·施特
Documentary that reveals the secret story behind one of the greatest intellectual feats of World War II, a feat that gave birth to the digital age. In 1943, a 24-year-old maths student and a GPO engineer combined to hack into Hitler's personal super-code machine - not Enigma but an even tougher system, which he called his 'secrets writer'. Their break turned the Battle of Kursk, powered the D-day landings and orchestrated the end of the conflict in Europe. But it was also to be used during the Cold War - which meant both men's achievements were hushed up and never officially recognised.
吉米的食品工厂 第二季
本部纪录片是英国BBC在2009年推出的一档纪录片中的第二季。在第一季中,我们领略了吉米•多尔蒂天马行空的想象力,跟随他一起走进他的仓库食品工厂,看他如何用自己的方法制作出超市般的食物。 第二季中吉米则为我们揭秘超市食品背后的不为人知的“秘密”,劲暴来袭。第一集酒吧小食品,第二集速食食品,第三集轻便早餐,第四集爱恨交加的发酵食品,第五集盒装午餐,第六集烧烤大餐,第七集冰火两重天,第八集儿童大会餐。疯狂的吉米此次更是让你跌破眼镜、完爆想象力:网球拍“拍”出香脆薯条,轮胎“磨”出汉堡肉,花盆“压”制出花生酱……超市食品再不是寻常的吃食,而是一个奇妙的冒险世界!
吉米的食品工厂 第二季
邻家性士 第一季
Sex workers Holiday, Endza, Cayenne, and Jessie give clients intimate experiences ranging from the pleasurable to the painful. In the process, they give a deep dive into their personal lives. Following these four sex workers in Seattle, Sex Next Door is a documentary with unprecedented, uncensored access into the sex work industry. The series pulls back the curtain on an often stigmatized profession, resulting in a candid, surprising glimpse into its workers' relationships with family, clients, and partners.
邻家性士 第一季
National Geographic Channel tromps into the wild with blue-collar pioneers who shirked conventional 9-to-5 careers to make their living in the deep rivers, soggy mudflats and wild backwoods of America. Filthy Riches, a new series premiering Sunday, April 20, at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, travels the country with industrious Americans who prove they're not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty in order to make a living. (Source: National Geographic Channel)
《全球绝美国家公园》由《蓝色星球2》的监制创作,这部令人惊叹的五集剧集由美国前总统贝拉克·奥巴马担任监制和旁白,他比美国历史上任何一位总统都更加种注重对公共土地和水域的保护,这部剧邀请观众一起走进地球上最标志性的国家公园,以感受自然之美。这部充满奇观和幽默乐观精神的剧 集横跨五大洲,每集聚焦一座国家公园,讲述其中大大小小的野生居民的生活,探索我们与野地之间不断变化的关系。从加利福尼亚州蒙特雷湾的水域,到肯尼亚察沃国家公园鲜红的土壤、印尼勒塞尔火山国家公园郁郁葱葱的热带雨林、智利巴塔哥尼亚的壮丽地形等,绝美的国家公园在召唤我们踏上探索之旅,寻找保证野地长存的新方法,并竭力保护它们以造福后代。该剧集由 Wild Space production 与 Higher Ground Productions 和 Freeborne Media 联合制作。
苏格兰历史 第二季
A history of Scotland is, like as the name says, about Scotland's history. The first episode takes us through how Scotland was created and why its role in one of the greatest wars helped define Britain in the modern era. The second episode revolves around two front figures in Scottish history, Alexander II and William Wallace, and how they shaped Scotland. Episode three takes us to Robert The Bruce and his fight for Scottish independence and how the church promoted his cause. Episode four takes us to how the Stewart's caused a divide in Scotland between the Highlands and the Lowlands. And episode five revolves around the unification of Scotland and Britain during the reign of Mary Queen Of Scots.
苏格兰历史 第二季
不可思议的好朋友 第二季
隐秘村庄之旅 第一季
Dame Penelope Keith visits England's picturesque villages to see how they're holding up in the 21st century. For the most part, she finds them quirky, resilient, and, well, picturesque.
隐秘村庄之旅 第一季
本系列致力于探索英国在讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默上面的传统。 第一集 有史以来最讽刺、下流、猥琐、无礼的历史 本片从18世纪早期的乔治王朝统治时期入手,给大家展示全国性的公开粗俗,简直让人震惊!贺加斯,吉尔雷,罗兰生,克鲁克香克笔下的绘画,以及约翰·盖伊和亨利·菲尔丁笔下光怪陆离的戏剧世界会让我们大开眼界。歌手露西·斯吉平会带我们一览乔治王朝粗俗下流情歌的盛况。我们还会从蒲伯,斯威夫特,拜伦以及斯特恩入手,研究一下那个时代脏话的文学起源。 第二集 荤段子与艳照 在维多利亚时期严谨,纯洁,禁欲的价值观中幸存下来的英国讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默传统,是如何在20世纪前半叶得到了繁荣发展?我们回去调查由摄影技术引发的道德恐慌,因为火辣的照片变得唾手可得。我们还会去关注由早期连环画经典形象Ally Sloper所存在的那个粗鲁又讽刺意味鲜明的世界。最后,咱们要去看看码头上的西洋景以及唐纳德·麦吉尔的明信片艺术中如何催生出了海滩上的猥琐文化。 第三集 猥琐到极致是谓无敌 关于英国讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默传统的探索将会把视线转向20世纪60年代出现并持续至今的大众民主式的粗鲁野蛮。我们将会探索复兴的粗俗政治漫画,Viz杂志中的滑稽艺术,乔·奥顿的剧院,霍恩周围的无线电广播,以及地下杂志Oz。电视上粗俗的历史可以从《永不分离》追溯到《小不列颠》...最后我们要关注,性别歧视者和种族主义者是如何看待这些粗俗喜剧的。
The King's War On Witches
In the late 16th century Europe was in the grip of a ferocious witch hunt, where thousands were tortured and burnt at the stake. The church was fully behind this terrifying crusade against the imaginary enemies of Christianity. In France and Germany alone up to 40,000 people may have been killed as witches. But England and Scotland were almost untouched by witch persecutions until King James himself decided to launch his own, personal war on witchcraft. In 1597 King James VI of Scotland published 'Daemonology', a handbook on how to recognise and destroy, witches. The book explored the threat that 'those Detestable slaves of the Devil', posed to James himself. It fuelled waves of witch hunting throughout Britain. The legacy of James' 'Daemonology' continued throughout the 17th century, and led to the torture and execution of hundreds of women in a series of infamous witch trials. No-one knows exactly how many men and women died in these trials, such as the Pendle trial of 1612, or how
The King's War On Witches
一级方程式疾速争胜 第一季
每一个竞争激烈的赛季,不论赛道内外,一级方程式赛车选手、领队主管还有车队老板都过着赛车般分秒必争的快节奏生活。 剧集不光展现瞬息万变的赛道竞速,记录可能发生的车祸和意外——「比赛就像是一次次心脏病发作」——也将跟随车手了解他们在大赛前后的艰苦训练,讲述他们与家人和车队之间的故事。
一级方程式疾速争胜 第一季
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