原班人马在第二年的续作,日本人气漫画《金田一少年事件簿》真人版。 金田一少年事件簿II_01 雪夜叉傳說殺人事件(前編) 金田一少年事件簿II_02 雪夜叉傳說殺人事件(後編) 金田一少年事件簿II_03 惡魔組曲殺人事件 金田一少年事件簿II_04 塔羅山莊殺人事件(前編) 金田一少年事件簿II_05 塔羅山莊殺人事件(後編) 金田一少年事件簿II_06 金田一少年殺人事件 金田一少年事件簿II_07 怪盜紳士殺人事件(前編) 金田一少年事件簿II_08 怪盜紳士殺人事件(後編) 金田一少年事件簿II_09 異人館(旅館)殺人事件 金田一少年事件簿II_10 墓場島殺人事件(前編) 金田一少年事件簿II_11 墓場島殺人事件(後編)
金田一少年事件簿 狱门塾杀人事件
炎炎夏季,金田一(山田凉介 饰)和七濑美雪(川口春奈 饰)、佐木龙二(有冈大贵 饰)两名好友前往著名的狱门补习学校参加集中培训。当他们正聊天玩笑时,突然警铃声大作。校舍走廊内,名为茂吕井的学生手按在警铃上,惨遭毒害。经金田一缜密推理,确定这是一起有针对性和计划性的杀人事件。未过多久,他们重逢香港警员李白龙,并得知策划了九龙事件的真凶正是人称地狱傀儡师的高远遥一,一个自称犯罪艺术家的国际通缉犯。此前高远正展开一系列的艺术犯罪计划,而他则将下一个目标锁定在正准备前往马来西亚参加集训的金田一身上。神秘莫测的对手,异国他乡的较量…… 日本电视台开播六十周年纪念作品。
金田一少年事件簿 狱门塾杀人事件
2001年9月11日,震惊世界且影响深远的“9·11事件”爆发。双子塔岿然垮塌,似乎预示着一个黑暗时代的到来。在此之后,法国Studio Canal电影公司迅速做出反应,邀请了11名享誉海内外的导演和演员分别执导了每部时长为11分钟09秒01帧的短片,最终汇集成这部思想独特、尖锐深刻的短片集。在他们的镜头中,有的饱受战争、饥馑、灾害的人们感同身受发起了悼念;有的则或戏谑或愤怒或尖锐批判着美国的霸权主义;有的以寓言的形式解析着“圣战”的含义;有的则俯身聚焦小人物的生活琐事与喜怒哀乐。那改变世界的瞬间,震撼着每一个人的心……
骇人命案事件簿 第十二季
Bullying snob Alistair Kingslake is killed with a golf iron at the Whiteacres golf club. After another member, Miles Tully, tells Barnaby about illegal gambling among players, another member, who has had an 'odd phone call' is also slain. A figure in a blue tracksuit is seen at both murders. In fact there have been unreported assaults on members over the months. Barnaby discovers that the gambling is rife and the social-climbing steward , Mrs. Fountain, and her two warring sons are lending money to the gamblers and assaulting them if they fail to pay. Indeed Mrs. Fountain's scheming has driven the killer to commit the Dogleg Murders.
骇人命案事件簿 第十二季
君主·埃尔梅罗二世事件簿 魔眼收集列车
骇人命案事件簿 第二季
Death’s Shadow—A string of bizarre murders leads to the discovery of a long-buried secret. Strangler’s Wood—The strangling of a beautiful Brazilian woman harks back to three earlier murders. Dead Man’s Eleven—A cricket bat used as a murder weapon implicates a tycoon’s son. Blood Will Out—Rival clans of travelers disrupt the peace and incense a local magistrate.
骇人命案事件簿 第二季
骇人命案事件簿 第十季
Barnaby and DS Ben Jones investigate the death of Simon Bright who is found dead inside an old World War II vintage Humber parked at an abandoned airfield. From all appearances, the death appears to be a suicide, but the pathologist determines that the man suffered a severe blow to the dead and may in fact have been unconscious when he died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Simon Bright's girlfriend, Laura Sharp, is nowhere to be found, but the death of the aging village Lothario and the attempted murder of another of her friends narrows the list of possible murderers somewhat. Barnaby is convinced that one of Laura's ex-lovers is responsible but given her rather active life, the question becomes which one?
骇人命案事件簿 第十季
SPEC物语黎明篇 绝对预言者
传奇侦探金田一耕助的孙子金田一一(山田凉介 饰),现如今正和青梅竹马七濑美雪(川口春奈 饰)就读私立不动高中,他们同时是侦探部的成员。七濑品学兼优,金田一色心萌动,百无聊赖,青春的日子欢快无忧。这一天,七濑被著名导演藏泽明的藏泽光孙子(神木隆之介 饰)拉入电影部拍戏,谁知一系列猎奇杀人事件却让电影部鬼影幢幢。搜查一课警部剑持勇(山口智充 饰)和新的部下介入调查, 金田一则通过缜密推理锁定真凶。在此之后,原电影部解散,人员壮大的推理部欢声笑语。而接下来的日子里,一个又一个缜密营造的杀人迷局还将接二连三呈现金田一和他的朋友们的面前…… 本片根据天树征丸的原作改编。
骇人命案事件簿 第九季
Deserted for years, an historically significant house is coveted by a number of people: a yuppie couple looking for a country home to restore, a local builder and his estate agent partner looking for development rights, and a conservationist. The owner is anxious to sell, but when a couple of deaths occur in the vicinity, things come to a halt while Inspector Barnaby investigates.
骇人命案事件簿 第九季
美雪(上野树里 饰)收到朋友的邀请函,邀请去“废墟之乡”小度周末,美雪喊上同学和青梅竹马的金田一(龟梨和也 饰)一同前往,临时被同学放鸽子,变成了2人独行。在废墟之乡的一家旅馆,同住的还有警察剑持(加藤雅也 饰)、摄影师、小说家、医生等几个人,旅馆员工凑青子温柔大方,旅馆老板在饭后给大家讲了当地流传的吸血鬼的故事。 50年前,这里搬来一户罗马尼亚人,被大家误以为是吸血鬼,村民放了一场大火,事后却没找到儿子的尸体,从此天天有人死于吸血鬼之口。50年后,一家三口搬到这里开了旅馆,经济泡沫导致破产后夫妇自杀,剩下的一个女儿6年前神秘死去,身上的血都被抽干了。 故事讲到这里楼上传来惊叫声,一名女子死去,美雪恰好是事件的目击者,次日又一而再再而三有人死去,所有的矛头都直指美雪,一直逃避侦探爷爷大名的金田一,为了保护最重要的人,决定找出案件的真相。
骇人命案事件簿 第十三季
Tom Barnaby joins the Causton Chamber of Commerce trip to Brighton as he is suspicious of dodgy mayor Hicks' plan to buy coastal land on which to buy chalets. Also opposed to the plan is Lady Matilda William,who has had threatening letters, as have the local vicar, oily property developer Hugh Dalgleish and hotelier Jenny Russell. Lady Matilda is descended from Richard of Guillaume,a ruthless contemporary of William the Conqueror,and believes that her son Richard,last of the line and brain-damaged for twenty years,was the victim of ancestral jealousy.In Brighton Dalgleish is murdered with the sword stolen from Guillaume's tomb and Hicks is arrested for fraud. Having learnt how Richard came by his accident Barnaby is convinced that Richard and not the property scam is the cause of yet another victim being claimed by the sword of Guillaume.
骇人命案事件簿 第十三季
北镰仓有一个名为法门寺的家族,由于是贵族后裔,当时的统治者一直隐瞒着他们的存在,即便如今知晓他们的人也极其有限。法门寺一族多年来一直潜心钻研各种学问,其中包括一系精通犯罪知识的学究派。而该学派长男更是代代遗传,拥有246的超高智商。如今的89代传人沙罗驱(织田裕二)也毫无疑问,是一名智商246的天才。每天都觉得无聊,想找点值得自己解决的谜团来打发时间的天才,莫名其妙被派去保护沙罗驱的庶民刑警和藤奏子(土屋太凤),法门寺家第89代管家贤正(藤冈靛)以及法医学怪人兼监察医森本朋美(中谷美纪),将为您破解怎样的疑难案件呢,尽请期待。 (萤萤@追新番原创翻译 转载请注明出处)
本片根据霍利•布莱克(Holly Black)及托尼•迪特里奇(Tony DiTerlizzi)的同名畅销小说改编。单亲母亲格蕾丝(玛丽-路易斯•帕克 Mary-Louise Parker 饰)带着双胞胎儿子贾里德与西蒙(弗莱迪•海默尔 Freddie Highmore 饰)和大女儿马洛丽(莎拉•伯格 Sarah Bolger 饰)搬入斯派特维克祖居,竟碰到一系列怪事。贾里德在独自调查过程中发现了楼顶阁楼中伯祖母父亲阿瑟•斯派特维克(大卫•斯特雷泽恩 David Strathairn 饰)的精灵探索指南。尽管书表皮有一纸警告,贾里德还是阅读了指南,随后便看到了书中描述的精灵之一,棕精灵辛伯来泰克(马丁•肖特 配音)。辛伯来泰克警告贾里德不能把书拿到斯派特维克祖居保护圈外,以防恶灵莫格拉斯(尼克•诺特 Nick Nolte 饰)将指南据为己有,加害其他精灵。但莫格拉斯的手下已得知指南重见天日的事实,并错抓了西蒙。为了保护指南及家庭,三姐弟必须与莫格拉斯展开殊死搏斗……
幽静的轻井泽,金田一一(松野太纪 配音)和七濑美雪(中川亚纪子 配音)与邀请他们的好友——经营电脑系统公司井泽研太郎(内山昂辉 配音)会面。井泽的老主顾火祀集团的青龙社长不久前死于列车事故,在他遇难之前,家中用于黑魔法的人偶消失,但事故当天一个断成两截的人偶突然出现, 与社长死状如出一辙。井泽怀疑这是一起杀人事件,于是拜托金田一找出真正的凶手。在神秘的黑魔法公馆中,金田一一行见到了社长的养子晓(及川以造 配音)、九曜(宫野真守 配音)、星子(朴璐美 配音)以及黑魔法师黑瓜鬼门。人人都有嫌疑,人人都有不在场证明,而死亡事件仍在继续…… 本片为金田一少年事件簿系列20周年纪念作品。
骇人命案事件簿 第六季
When two bodies are discovered by the side of a fishing stream, Barnaby and Troy have yet more murders to solve. Isobel Hewitt had a zest for life that some can only hope for. She loves to drive her red Jaguar at top speed and generally enjoyed the finer things in life. Although loved by many, there were those who weren't quite so charmed by her. Margaret Seagrove was convinced that she was the member of the local fishing club using weighted lures in the local stream. Her nephew and his wife, with whom she resided, saw her as a burden now that she had spent most of her accumulated capital. The second victim is the local doctor, Duncan Goff, a well-known philanderer who had affairs with many of the local ladies. The police must first determine if both were intended victims or if one was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
骇人命案事件簿 第六季
蜡笔小新外传4 妖怪与新之助
金田一少年事件簿SP 学园七不思议杀人事件
本片根据霍利•布莱克(Holly Black)及托尼•迪特里奇(Tony DiTerlizzi)的同名畅销小说改编。单亲母亲格蕾丝(玛丽-路易斯•帕克 Mary-Louise Parker 饰)带着双胞胎儿子贾里德与西蒙(弗莱迪•海默尔 Freddie Highmore 饰)和大女儿马洛丽(莎拉•伯格 Sarah Bolger 饰)搬入斯派特维克祖居,竟碰到一系列怪事。贾里德在独自调查过程中发现了楼顶阁楼中伯祖母父亲阿瑟•斯派特维克(大卫•斯特雷泽恩 David Strathairn 饰)的精灵探索指南。尽管书表皮有一纸警告,贾里德还是阅读了指南,随后便看到了书中描述的精灵之一,棕精灵辛伯来泰克(马丁•肖特 配音)。辛伯来泰克警告贾里德不能把书拿到斯派特维克祖居保护圈外,以防恶灵莫格拉斯(尼克•诺特 Nick Nolte 饰)将指南据为己有,加害其他精灵。但莫格拉斯的手下已得知指南重见天日的事实,并错抓了西蒙。为了保护指南及家庭,三兄妹必须与莫格拉斯展开殊死搏斗……
四月一日灵异事件簿:春梦记 前篇
骇人命案事件簿 第五季
Called to the village of Midsomer Market to investigate someone's car being set on fire, Barnaby and Troy soon find themselves investigating the murder of Marjorie Empson who is found in her home bludgeoned to death. The focus of their attention is the the Reading Club, a group of five women who meet regularly not to discuss books in fact, but to manage a investment fund they have established. Two of the members were hoping to cash out their investments, but were prevented from doing so by the others. There are several other suspects, all in one way or another connected to the financial and investment world, but when a second member of the book club is killed, the police realize they may need to look for an altogether different motive.
骇人命案事件簿 第五季
骇人命案事件簿 第八季
Barnaby and DS Scott investigate the murder of Patrick Pennyman, an undertaker in the village of Fletcher's Cross. The man's wife thinks he committed suicide but the pathologist determines he was killed. The man died soon after his return home after attending a service at the local spiritualist church, itself the source of some controversy in the village. As the investigation progresses, the police learn that Pennyman was generally disliked. Former employees, business partners and others all had a grudge against him of one sort or another. Barnaby believes the head of the Spiritualist church to be a charlatan and while there is a link to the ever increasing number of murder victims, the solution to the crimes is to be found in an illicit love affair.
骇人命案事件簿 第八季
刑事吉永诚一 泪之事件簿
平日里游手好闲看似极不靠谱的私立不动高中二年级生金田一(堂本刚 饰)却是个智商很高的推理天才,他和青梅竹马的美女七濑美雪(友坂理惠 饰)、警部剑持勇(古尾谷雅人 饰)等伙伴和朋友,携手解决了不少棘手事件。且金田一解决事件的方法比较特别,他依赖于货真价实的证据,再依照证据来思索和推理,由此及彼,再由彼及此,这样循环往复,最终推理出犯罪凶手。而对于凶手,金田一并不是要把凶手逼向绝境,而是给予其舍生处地的想法,最后加以规劝,使凶手最后以自首结束。借由金田一我们一起进入不思议的案件当中。 本剧改编自同名漫画,是系列作的第二部。©豆瓣
金田一少年事件簿 香港九龙财宝杀人事件
因为青梅竹马的七濑美雪(川口春奈 饰)接到来自香港服装展的模特工作,所以金田一(山田凉介 饰)和其好友佐木龙二(有冈大贵 饰)借暑假的机会,三人一起来到了香港游玩。美雪在试衣服的过程中意外消失,三人被卷进了一场阴谋之中。在无意间,金田一和龙二遇到了和美雪极其神似的中国女孩杨兰,而她就是本应出场后来推掉被美雪接替的模特。因为觉得事有蹊跷,怕和她相似的美雪遇到意外,于是来到了香港。 金田一让杨兰装成美雪,三人来到了展览现场。遇到了各色人物。包括国际刑警李白龙(吴尊 饰)、展览的服装设计师柳爱碧(徐若瑄 饰)、活动的赞助商张永福(矢野浩二 饰)等。他们之间互相交错,似乎隐瞒着什么。在展览现场,张永福意外死亡。在调查这起案件及美雪消失案的过程中,一起20年前九龙城的案件也被挖掘了出来。金田一能否拨开云雾,揭开谜底呢?
金田一少年事件簿 香港九龙财宝杀人事件
蜡笔小新外传4 妖怪与新之助
骇人命案事件簿 第七季
A cave in of a local canal tunnel under restoration reveals the skeletons of eight individuals. While most of the skeletons are from a cave in when the canal was under construction in the 19th century, one is obviously of a more recent vintage. Dental records identify him as Eric Edwards who was reported missing in 1965. Supt. Barnaby delves into the history of the canal to see if he can find a connection. DS Troy is over the moon when he learns that he has qualified as a Detective Inspector and that there may be a job for him in another county. In what may be his last case in Midsomer, he follows up on an anonymous tip that teenagers are harassing a local hermit, Tom. When one of those teenagers is shot through the head, Barnaby leaves "Inspector" Troy in charge of the case.
骇人命案事件簿 第七季
骇人命案事件簿 第十一季
曾经,泉田准一郎(木内秀信 配音)怀抱着成为推理小说中的名侦探的远大理想报考了警察学校,如今,已经33岁的他,依然只是警视厅里一介小小的警部补。令他怎么也想不到的是,上级的一纸公文,居然就奠定了他从今往后悲惨的生活。这天,他成为了号称“驱魔娘娘”的药师寺凉子(生天目仁美 配音)的部下,这位27岁就当上警视的红发美女,不仅是保全公司的千金大小姐,同时有着超高的智商,此外,凉子高傲的个性和古灵精怪的坏心眼也让同僚们闻风色变。 就这样,泉田的奴隶生活开始了,在忍气吞声的同时,他还要防备凉子最大的敌人室町由纪子(桑岛法子 配音)的骚扰。在凉子的身边,发生了一些自然科学无法解释的怪奇事件,凉子和泉田这对“主仆”,为了发掘事件的真相,奔波于城市的角角落落。