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    2016 其他 美国


    通过伊利诺伊州一户有机农场主的视角,展现了一批历经大工业化农业运作模式的农场主对于更加环保更加健康的农作方式的探索和坚持。  America is facing a food crisis driven by profitability and a lack of consumer education. While the window to transforming our heartland continues to shrink, passionate individuals have emerged who provide hope that the health of our nation might still remain within our grasp. Sustainable weaves together expert analysis of America's food and farming system with a powerful narrative of one extraordinary farmer who is determined to create a sustainable future for his community. Amidst the cornfields of Illinois lives the hero of the film - Marty Travis, a seventh-generation farmer who watched his land and community fall victim to the pressures of big agribusiness. Determined to create a proud legacy for his son, Marty transforms his profitless wasteland and pioneers the sustainable food movement in Chicago. The film unearths the future of agriculture - a marriage of age-old tradition and groundbreaking science. Industry pione


  • 正片
    1980 喜剧 其他


    广袤无垠的非洲大陆,现代文明与原始社会和谐共存。在离现代大都市六千公里的卡拉哈里沙漠腹地,生活着仍未受到外来文明影响的布须曼人。他们刀耕火种,狩猎农作,过着与世无争、敬畏自然的平静生活。某天,一支来自现代文明的可乐瓶打乱了他们一成不变的日子。最先发现瓶子的基(N!xau 饰)将其带回部落,族人惊叹可乐瓶子的完美构造和繁多的用途,认为这是上帝赐予他们的礼物。可是兴奋的心情很快为别样的情绪所取代,习惯了平等共有的族人开始想要将瓶子据为己有,矛盾悄然而生。基不愿看到族人发生争吵与殴斗,于是决定将可乐瓶还给上帝,只为恢复曾经平静快乐的生活……


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