大厨秀 第二季
According to Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian, the Renaissance was centred on a revival of interest in classical art that began and flourished in Italy. Waldemar disagrees, and accuses Vasari of errant jingoism. In fact, the most significant early developments in Renaissance art took place not in Italy, but in the ‘barbarian’ lands of Flanders and Germany. Instead of understanding the Renaissance as a return to classical models, we should see it as a climax of medieval values - an epoch of huge religious passions and powerful human emotions. The series will celebrate material that is new to television. Waldemar will include art that is not usually thought of as Renaissance art. This will involve 're-classifying' what is sometimes called Late Gothic, and showing it off as a marvellous and native artistic tradition, particularly in the remarkable field of polychrome sculpture. On top of all the new art to be introduced, Waldemar will also look from fresh and intriguing angles at
jeen-yuhs: 坎耶·维斯特三部曲
地球壮观河流之旅 第一季
Revealing the extraordinary animals, astonishing landscapes and remarkable people who live alongside the Amazon, Mississippi and Nile
地球壮观河流之旅 第一季
隐秘村庄之旅 第二季
Dame Penelope Keith visits England's picturesque villages to see how they're holding up in the 21st century. For the most part, she finds them quirky, resilient, and, well, picturesque.
隐秘村庄之旅 第二季
西班牙边境护卫队 第一季
Jane Austen remains one of the greatest writers of all time. Almost two hundred years after her death, her novels such as “Pride and Prejudice” and “Mansfield Park” continue to entrance generations of readers the world over. This film shatters any assumption that Austen herself lived the elegant Regency life of her financially comfortable heroines who ultimately find their true love. Instead it reveals the real Jane Austen as part of strata of Regency society much crueller in its treatment of women and harsher in its economic realities than her novels and their current television adaptations convey. And it discovers a woman more tragic in her own personal love life who does not enjoy the “happy ending” that she bestows upon her own female characters. Through readings and dramatic reconstructions, The Real Jane Austen pieces together the reality of Austen’s existence her modest upbringing in Hampshire as one of seven children of a clergyman; her disappointment in love; and the family’
Rihanna 2008年首度个唱,收录出道以来所有金曲,还翻唱了碧昂斯等天后巨星的金曲,更加赠3首新区及幕后花絮,绝对不容错过。 演唱会曲目: 01. Pon de Replay 02. Break it Off 03. Let Me 04. Rehab 05. Breakin' Dishes 06. Is This Love 07. Kisses Don't Lie 08. Scratch 09. SOS 10. Good Girl Gone Bad 11. Hate That I Love You 12. Unfaithful 13. Sell Me Candy 14. Don't Stop The Music 15. Push Up On Me 16. Shut Up And Drive 17. Question Existing 18. Umbrella
Series which looks at the palaces, tapestries, music and paintings created in King Henry VIII's name and questions whether they compensate for the religious treasures he later destroyed
本系列收录下列影片: 金字塔之王 埃及艳后 图坦卡门 一代女王 叛逆的法老 拉姆西斯大帝 金字塔之王 The Great Egyptians - King of the Pyramids 四千年来,金字塔一直是令人着迷的伟大建筑,而其中的创世巨作,则是出自埃及法老「史奈佛汝」之手。从梅登金字塔的尝试、达西尔金字塔的天花板、到吉萨大金字塔的壮观走廊,都只是金字塔的一小步。史奈佛汝的“承材天花板”解决了金字塔内倾崩塌的危机,更创造了阶梯金字塔、弯曲金字塔、红色金字塔、以及由史奈佛汝之子奇阿普斯所建的大金字塔等,史上最伟大的建筑空间。 埃及艳后 The Great Egyptians-The Real Cleopatra 众人皆云埃及艳后拥有美貌,但其实智慧才是她的最佳资产。在她与凯萨大帝及马克安东尼的两段婚姻中,埃及艳后积极的朝她的政治理想迈进,虽然日后她传奇的一生结束于蛇吻,但她始终盛名不坠。当伟大的法老王之名不复存于人们的记忆中时,埃及艳后的名字 “克莉欧派卓",却在世人的心中历久不衰。 图坦卡门 The Great Egyptians -The Mistery of Tutankhamun 图坦卡门,一个在埃及史上来不及写下辉煌历史的法老,却在安息了几千年后完好无缺的出土,成为王陵谷中硕果仅存的法老。而陪同图坦卡门出土的不仅是大量的金银财宝,更引人入胜的则是他隐藏在金色面具后的悲惨童年,以及猝死的幕后阴谋。藉由Discovery Channel 的探访及专家的解说,一连串的历史真相将呼之欲出。 一代女王 The GREAT EGYPTIANS II - THE QUEEN WHO WOULD BE KING 埃及在由男性统治了千余年之后,出现了赫雀瑟,一位不以贵为公主或王后而自满的女性。Discovery Channel将为您剖析这位史上唯一女王的野心与欲望,叙述她的生长环境及丰功伟业。为了统治埃及,赫雀瑟必须扮演男性的角色,身为女人却登基为王的事实,也迫使她不得不去面对埃及“神圣秩序”的严格考验。 叛逆的法老 THE GREAT EGYPTIANS II - REBEL PHARAOHT 阿肯那顿在继承王位后,他提出了“一神论“,企图摆脱传统束缚,解放艺术,展现王室前所未闻,不为人知的一面。但阿肯那顿创造的理想宗教,毕竟不符合埃及
你,饿了吗?只要收看《美食的诞生》5分钟,你一定会觉得饿了。《美食的诞生》是韩国KBS电视台2014 年旗舰记录片,将带你一窥全球美食的奥秘,让你无法克制唾液的分泌。 第一集 给你幸福的「面包」 其中首集,就要記錄不同的麵包,也發現麵包最早的考古學證據,是來自歐洲舊石器時代晚期的地層,大約距今3萬年前。那時的麵包只是發酵的糧食餅。 古典時代已經有品種豐富的麵包了,古希臘人用大麥做麵包,因小麥麵包非常珍貴。雅典則很早就出現了職業麵包師。古羅馬作家阿特那奧斯在《歡宴的智者》一書中,描述了當時羅馬人吃的麵包、蛋糕、餅乾和糕點,可作為歷史見證。書中提到的麵包有熱香餅、蜂蜜油脂麵包、蘑菇形麵包沾滿罌粟子,還有軍隊裡特有的炙叉吐司卷。 紀錄片中,探討這些蓬鬆而美味麵包是什麼?填飽飢餓肚子的一餐飯嗎?還是超越文化與人種的全人類主食?對某些人而言,麵包曾是權力,亦是燦爛文明的象徵,也是救援人類的麵包。 現在流行於世界的糕餅麵包,已超越了單純是烹調的水準,麵包正活躍於藝術與運動的境界當中,成為全人類慶典活動的麵包世界,它究竟是從何時何處開始的呢?片中將提到埃及人是如何製作發酵麵包,還有其他哪些有趣的相關連,紀錄片中將延伸不同主軸,不只是为填饱肚子,请先剥开面包,闻着迎来的面香,放入口中感受松软带劲的嚼头,面包与幸福感就这样画上了等号。 本集带你看冰岛烘焙师用火山地热烤面包、撒哈拉游牧妇女用灰烬烤大饼;还有法国的经典可颂、印度的Q 劲甩饼。 KBS 制作团队远赴埃及,以三千年前的方法烤面包,再以动画及类戏剧方式重现面包如何影响古埃及人的生活。总之,本集除了让人垂涎欲滴,也剖析了面包的身世及它衍生出的各种迷人样貌。 第二集 给你梦想的「香料」 人之异于禽兽,是因为人类会烹调。而香气的植物或果实,如葱、姜、蒜、九层塔、胡椒、豆 ,添加在食物中,立即将烹饪提上更高层次。 在古代,香料象征金钱与权力,大英帝国就是为寻找香料,进而拓展了版图。即使是现在,番红花仍是论毫克卖的贵重香料。 本集带你看到印尼孩子采豆、印度农民晒胡椒、丹麦名厨尝百草。经过辛苦的采制及精心的烹调,香料逐渐建构出当地的文化与生活。 第三集 给你力量的「肉」 不论是北极的海豹、俄国的鹿、德州的牛、日本的鱼,每个地方以不同方式烹调不同的肉类。人们满足了口腹之欲,也获得了体力所需的蛋白质。 《美食的诞生
Out of the chaos, darkness and violence of the Middle Ages, one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation they ruled the country for more than three hundred years, ruthlessly crushing all competition to become the greatest English dynasty of all time. They were The Plantagenets. Presented by award-winning journalist and acclaimed historian Dan Jones, the Plantagenets combines creative and insightful research with searing dramatic reconstructions to bring to life this shocking and visceral time in England’s history. From Henry II, betrayed by his own wife and children when they try to seize the throne to the powerful friendship between Henry III and Simon de Montfort which falls into hatred and bloody civil war; from Edward II’s adulterous French wife and his ‘legendary’ death from a red hot poker to the boy king and tyrant Richard II one of the most vicious and inventive despots in English history; Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty: The Plantagenets uncovers a dark
【我在市場待了一整天】,不只是美食,更是一個充滿美妙人事地物的節目!從爆炸頭老師探訪過的市場、以及他的五感體驗紀錄,豐富有趣地爆炸展開。跟隨老師「沈浸感」的腳步,前進這一個個庶民小宇宙。 邀請大家從各種不同角度,隨著主持人,一同潛入八個台灣老市場,感受在地文化、庶民人情的溫度,探訪體驗市場裡無與倫比的趣味! 主持人 李明璁 英國劍橋大學國王學院社會人類學博士,曾於臺大社會學系任教,現執教於國立臺北藝術大學。曾參與創辦《cue》電影雜誌、現為《屏東本事》總編輯。擔任過華文朗讀節、雜學校、臺北文學季等大型活動策展人。協助過總統文化獎、四屆金鐘獎評審,以及三屆金鼎獎、兩屆台北國際書展大賞評審。 曾製作、編劇、演出舞台劇《敗者的搖滾瞬間》。著有《物裡學》、《邊讀邊走》等書,並統籌企劃麥田『時代感』書系、大塊『SOUND』書系。主編過四本音樂文化專書,其中《時代迴音》獲第40屆金鼎獎優良出版推薦。
家在阿拉斯加 第一季
Centers on the Kilcher family and their community outside Homer, Alaska. Led by patriarch Atz Kilcher, singer Jewel's father, the family have lived on their land for three generations. The show also focuses on the homesteaders who live by the Kilchers, including, Brother Roadkill, who eats animals lying dead on the side of the road.
家在阿拉斯加 第一季
少年厨艺大师 第四季
Masterchef Junior Winner Mostafa Elkeraby comes back and mentors other Juniors to win the Masterchef Trophy.
少年厨艺大师 第四季
金帝手工车厂 第一季
Britain, is an island. Surrounded by a cold and unforgiving sea. For centuries it protected us from attack. But to prosper and thrive, we would need to do more than hide behind her salt water shield. Britain needed brave men, willing to venture out into the unknown and she needed good boats to take them there. I've spent my life at sea. Now I'm going to take passage on six boats that together, tell the story of modern Britain. Built for exploration, war, fishing, industry and our very survival. These are the boats which built Britain, and changed the way we live - forever.
Ben Robinson retraces the dramatic last days of King John, England's most disastrous monarch, and uncovers the legend of his lost treasure. Ten days took King John from ruler of an empire to sudden death, and left the kingdom in ruins. John is famous for the creation of Magna Carta, which inspired our modern democracy. Ben follows in the footsteps of the King's epic last journey, from the treacherous marshes of East Anglia, through Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, to his final resting place in Worcester. He is joined by medieval historian professor Stephen Church. Together they examine the truth behind the legend that has lived on for 800 years. Did the crown jewels really end up in the mud of the Wash? Was the King poisoned? Does he deserve his reputation as our most disastrous monarch? Thanks to unique documents, we can tell this epic tale in the King's own words. Not only can we get into the mind of the Magna Carta King, we can reveal in fantastic detail how and where he travel
本系列致力于探索英国在讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默上面的传统。 第一集 有史以来最讽刺、下流、猥琐、无礼的历史 本片从18世纪早期的乔治王朝统治时期入手,给大家展示全国性的公开粗俗,简直让人震惊!贺加斯,吉尔雷,罗兰生,克鲁克香克笔下的绘画,以及约翰·盖伊和亨利·菲尔丁笔下光怪陆离的戏剧世界会让我们大开眼界。歌手露西·斯吉平会带我们一览乔治王朝粗俗下流情歌的盛况。我们还会从蒲伯,斯威夫特,拜伦以及斯特恩入手,研究一下那个时代脏话的文学起源。 第二集 荤段子与艳照 在维多利亚时期严谨,纯洁,禁欲的价值观中幸存下来的英国讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默传统,是如何在20世纪前半叶得到了繁荣发展?我们回去调查由摄影技术引发的道德恐慌,因为火辣的照片变得唾手可得。我们还会去关注由早期连环画经典形象Ally Sloper所存在的那个粗鲁又讽刺意味鲜明的世界。最后,咱们要去看看码头上的西洋景以及唐纳德·麦吉尔的明信片艺术中如何催生出了海滩上的猥琐文化。 第三集 猥琐到极致是谓无敌 关于英国讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默传统的探索将会把视线转向20世纪60年代出现并持续至今的大众民主式的粗鲁野蛮。我们将会探索复兴的粗俗政治漫画,Viz杂志中的滑稽艺术,乔·奥顿的剧院,霍恩周围的无线电广播,以及地下杂志Oz。电视上粗俗的历史可以从《永不分离》追溯到《小不列颠》...最后我们要关注,性别歧视者和种族主义者是如何看待这些粗俗喜剧的。
英国古代史 第一季
Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain and its people came to be over thousands of years of ancient history - the beginnings of our world forged in ice, stone, and bronze A History Of Ancient Britain will turn the spotlight onto the very beginning of Britain’s story. From the last retreat of the glaciers 12,000 years ago, until the departure of the Roman Empire in the Fifth Century AD this epic series will reveal how and why these islands and nations of ours developed as they did and why we have become the people we are today. The first series transmits in early 2011 and there will be a following series in 2012. 第二季将于明年制作播出……
英国古代史 第一季
特种部队: 终极地狱周 第二季
In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge of their lives when they take part in the recruitment week from hell. Who will be left standing on the ultimate military assault course? Presented by Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this six-part series will see successful applicants take on gruelling tests used by some of the world’s harshest army regimes, from the Navy SEALs to the SAS, in a search to find the UK’s toughest recruit. Participants will come under intense pressure. Their physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limit. Viewers will witness what the mind and body are capable of and how these techniques separate the weak from the strong, and they will learn what it takes to be the ultimate soldier. The ‘Hell Week ‘ has been especially constructed to reflect known selection process used by special forces across the globe including the US Navy SEALs, the Philippine’s NAVSOG (Naval Special Operations Group), the Russian
特种部队: 终极地狱周 第二季
麦克·布雷 相约麦迪逊花园广场演唱会
01.I'm Your Man 02.Me and Mrs. Jones 03.Call Me Irresponsible 04.I've got the World On A String 05.Lost 06.Feeling Good 07.Home 08.Everything 09.Crazy Little Thing Called Love 10.Song For You 60 minutes of live performance, interviews and backstage footage Bonus Performances Stardust You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You
麦克·布雷 相约麦迪逊花园广场演唱会
不可思议的好朋友 第二季
英国广播公司: 盎格鲁-萨克逊的宝藏
被命运选中的孩子 在仍懵懂稚嫩的时候 就注定要承载目光与审视的重量 在严苛的生存与进化法则里 游历乐园,逃离迷宫 在迷雾中找寻登陆的方向 雾隐山城 他们的故事从这里起笔 少年越过一山又一山 迷雾重重里前路隐约有了光亮 最初零星的回响在几千个日日夜夜里酝酿 呼唤、等待、陪伴和热爱的声音在彼岸回响 是这一路抵御风暴和怯懦的力量 指引每一位勇敢的少年无悔前往 迷雾终将散尽,迎来踏浪的最终倒计时 烈焰与浪潮碰撞出风暴漩涡 汹涌吞吐,等待少年拾级而上 蝴蝶万次振翅,齿轮环环相扣 七年的每一步脚印都产生着连锁反应 牵动结局的方向 但正如最初的歌声一样 “就算是风浪滔天,也要大声地唱” 各位,久等了。TF家族三代出道实录——「登陆日」,即将来临!
吉米的食品工厂 第一季
本部纪录片是英国BBC在2009年推出的一档纪录片的第一季,共两季。在第一季中,观众在吉米·多尔蒂的带领下,一起走进他的仓库食品工厂。天马行空的吉米,用他自己独到的、极富创造力的方法,制作出超市般的食物。 这是一系列有趣的、全新的科学命题,我们的农夫吉米发问道:超市食物里到底有什么?问了寻找到答案,吉米采取了一个新颖而令人惊讶的方法——在一个谷仓中建立了自己的食品工厂。在这个谷仓中,他用自己的方法制作出了超市食品。我们可以清晰地看见,我们所食用的食物是怎样制作出来的。吉米向我们讲述的与其说是一件“科学调研”,不如说是他对待食物天才般的“疯狂探秘”。
吉米的食品工厂 第一季
《纯素败类:名声、诈骗、逃犯》由《养虎为患》监制和《地表最烂:FYRE 豪华音乐节》导演克里斯·史密斯倾情打造,是一部情感丰富的四集纪录片,探讨了光鲜亮丽的纽约热门餐厅“纯粹的美食和酒”的老板萨尔马·梅恩盖利斯如何从素食烹饪女王变成“纯素逃犯”。2011 年,梅恩盖利斯在 Twitter 上认识了一个名叫沙恩·福克斯的人,不久之后,梅恩盖利斯就将餐厅资金悉数汇给福克斯,因为福克斯凭借花言巧语让她相信他能够实现她所有的梦想,无论是扩大她的美食帝国,还是让她心爱的斗牛犬长生不老,皆不在话下······但前提是她要一直毫无疑问地服从他的每一个要求。几年后,这对夫妇在田纳西州的一家汽车旅馆被执法部门发现,他们现在已经结婚,当时从餐馆及其员工那里偷了近 200 万美元后潜逃。他们是如何被发现的?福克斯用他的真名安东尼·斯特兰吉斯购买了一份达美乐披萨。《纯素败类:名声、诈骗、逃犯》带观众踏上一段比小说更离奇的旅程。
里克·斯坦的康沃尔之旅 第一季
在这个新栏目中,里克·斯坦向观众们展示了他所理解和喜爱的家乡康沃尔郡:它是英国群岛的一个独特部分,拥有强高度身份认同感的当地居民,背靠来源于凯尔特人文化的历史。 凭借着他天生的好奇心,里克分享了一条鲜有人知晓的路来解读这个别样国度自己的美食、历史、音乐、艺术与文化。 In this new series Rick Stein reveals the Cornwall that he knows and loves: a unique part of the British isles with a strong sense of identity and a history rooted in its Celtic past. With his famous natural inquisitiveness, Rick shares the road less travelled – championing the food, history, music, art and culture of the county many locals argue should be a country in its own right.
里克·斯坦的康沃尔之旅 第一季
A behind-the-scenes look at royal weddings revealing how these grand events are organised. Featuring interviews with the performers, florists, dressmakers, tailors, security guards, vicars and jewellers www.molikan.com who helped make the day so special.
2020皇后乐队 全球巡回演唱会
一级方程式疾速争胜 第二季
这部活力四射的剧集带着 10 集新内容回归,聚焦这项世界最快运动的惊险和刺激时刻。只有 20 名车手可以参加一级方程式赛车比赛,加上一些顶级赛车手开始为新车队效力,2019 年被证明是一个风云变幻、风起云涌的赛季。 今年,包括梅赛德斯车队和法拉利车队在内的 10 支车队首次向 Netflix 开放内部权限,展示了他们在世界顶级系列赛中争夺胜利的历程。 该剧集走进车手、车队负责人和车队老板的幕后生活,以独特和不加修饰的视角展示他们在赛场上下的生活,以及这项运动专属的紧张感和魅力。 该剧集由奥斯卡金像奖得主詹姆斯·盖伊·里斯(《艾米》《永远的车神》)和代表 Box to Box Films 的保罗·马丁(《马拉多纳》)担任监制。
一级方程式疾速争胜 第二季